Thursday, 28 November 2024

Worksheet: Amines


Worksheet: Amines

Class: 12 | Subject: Chemistry

Section A: Objective Questions (1 mark each)

  1. Write the IUPAC name of the compound:

  2. Which type of amines (primary, secondary, or tertiary) will not react with Hinsberg’s reagent?

  3. Identify the type of isomerism exhibited by:
    (a) Ethylamine and Dimethylamine
    (b) Propan-1-amine and Propan-2-amine

  4. Arrange the following in increasing order of basicity:

  5. Write the structure of N-ethylethanamine.

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2-3 marks each)

  1. Convert:
    (a) Nitrobenzene to Aniline.
    (b) Aniline to p-Bromoaniline.

  2. Explain the mechanism of the reaction of ethylamine with benzoyl chloride (Hinsberg test).

  3. Explain why aniline is less basic than methylamine.

Section C: Long Answer Questions (5 marks each)

  1. Describe the Hoffmann bromamide reaction with a chemical equation. Discuss its importance in organic synthesis.

  2. (a) How can you distinguish between:
    i. Aniline and N-methylaniline?
    ii. Primary amine and tertiary amine?
    (b) Write a short note on the coupling reaction of amines with diazonium salts.

Instructions for Students

  • Answer all questions neatly.
  • Draw structures and mechanisms wherever applicable.

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